Tuesday, October 25, 2005

From point A to point B

You cry cause you are leaving your old self.

You cry to mourn your past, your old ways.

You cry for the people you will grow away from.

You cry for fear of the unknown.

You cry for the loves, the lives, the fun, the pain you once felt -

You cry cause you are so happy to leave it all behind.

Traveling again

Get off the train and walk,
walk this path.
Don't race ahead, don't lag
behind, just walk, enjoy the journey.

You may stumble, you may fall, but at least
you're still here and you only have to get up
and walk again.

Sometimes it's a hard, rocky way, other times
it's sweet, beautiful land. Keep going, it gets
better and better, everyday.

Some will walk ahead of you, some will
be behind, others are to the sides of you, enjoy
the company as they come and go.

Walk this path, just walk it. Don't stop
too long or wander off. Keep up the pace, feel
alive and love the journey.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

There it is

The treshold awaits, do I dare cross over? or do I stand back in fear?
The momentum keeps me moving on, knowing this is what I've always wanted
Can't stop it now.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Its all how you look at it

Keep the good, then let go,
be grateful and grow.
There are so many more places to visit.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Today I forgave

Goodbye, my lover, my
beautiful lover, my amazing,
incredible lover.
What an experience we had, I
will always remember you
and always love you, for
our time.

I know we can never go back,
but in memory you will always be
with me, that way,

I'll never take that from you -
not as a friend, always you'll be my lover, my
beautiful, precious lover
I will not think of you as anything less.
Goodbye, lover.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Won't turn back

Still some miles to go. I'm
much closer to the finish
then to the start. I can hardly wait.

Friday, October 07, 2005

In the real

My faith is stronger then my doubts.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

As long as needed

This is the spot, this is good enough, don't

ask for more. Hold still, feel it

move, ever so slowly.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The people around you

Don't overlook the heroes in your life. Yes, there are some. Stop and notice.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Looking for a home

Where does your faith come from?