Friday, March 24, 2006

Sanctified with Love

The godless glance back, always checking for despair to come and take their happiness.

The God-filled do not fear, joy rules, even when shadows pass over, despair doesn't root in His fertile soil.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hopeth all, Endureth all

How the young limb reaches up, up, up
so seemingly weak and thin, as if
it can hardly survive the exposure.
Nothing stops it in it's mission,
it stretches with all it's might,
as if being instinctively called upward,
it knows where the Father lives,
as do all the children.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Your Love is Ecstasy

Cleansed from darkness,
radiating light -

shadows cross not my path,
if so, I step over.

You are the Brother I never had,
I am the sister that Loves you.

How much I missed before You came to me.